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// Create a ponymote with name (ponymote x y)
flutters (rfluttershy 20 10)
dash (louder 70 5)
rarity (raritysad 120 15)
pinkie (rparty 250 10)

// Have it move around with name > x
flutters,dash,rarity > 20

// Or say something with name : message
// Prefix any action line with + to not wait on it
+rarity : Please -- please, talk to us, Pinkie
rarity,dash > 4
rarity > 4

// Or use ... to finish current actions
dash (rdcry)
dash : You haven't said anything in three days!
pinkie (rppseesyou)
dash : Please, just -- give us something!
rarity (raritywhy)
rarity : We're all so worried about you,
rarity : and we don't even know what's wrong!
pinkie (rppfear)
rarity (rraritywhine)
rarity : I'd do anything to know you're--
pinkie (pinkieawe)
pinkie : Alright, alright! I give up! You win!

// Prefix any action line with = to avoid bobbing
// Use multiple < to increase the speed
=flutters,dash,rarity,pinkie << 20
pinkie (ppcute)
pinkie : I was making this thing!
rarity (rraritydaww)
dash (rdsmile)
flutters (flutteryay)
flutters : Yay!
flutters : Yay!